Dana Pike - Class Course w/Video

22 Dec 2010Steve Schwarz

This week Dana Pike came up with yet another course I really liked. This sequence had a 270 Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence with off course potential, Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap, a Back Side Jump Push Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video and multiple off course challenges. Instead of handling diagrams, you get to see video of me screw up when I forget my handling plan and scramble to recover…

Course Setup

Sequence 1
Obstacle Legend

In the video Meeker has been doing agility for about a month coming back from his back injury and this is his first time jumping at 22”. You’ll see I have to help his weave entry and you’ll see me using Jackpot Rewards on his A Frame contacts (but not as long as I should).

I used all Front Crosses Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross but you could also handle this course from behind in spots and Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross. Watch my first run in the video and you’ll see me Front Cross when I should have Post Turn/Shoulder Pulled Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn and then I have to send Meeker Across my Feet to fix it. Then I’m late on my next Front Cross and he takes the jump but drops a bar… bad handler!

I hope you run this course and let me know how it went for you. Meeker and I had a blast! Thanks Dana!

2010-Dec-23 I created a course for my classes based on this equipment setup that you might want to try.

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