Clean Run Search Now On Googility!
30 Nov 2009
I was behind in updating my Clean Run magazine search because it was a tedious manual process.

So I spent a couple weeks extending the software running Googility to store and search all Clean Run magazine articles. One of the key improvements was cross referencing issues, articles, authors, and series. So now there is a page for every issue, article, author and series with links to everything I can figure out. I’ve also added descriptions and tags to all the recent articles to make it easier to find articles on topics of interest.

So now when you visit the main Googility page you’ll see a radio button underneath the search box to let you choose to search Googility “places” or search magazine articles. There are currently over 3,200 magazine articles in the search database. Once Google indexes Googility again Clean Run articles will also show up in the general search results!
New Features
Here are the major new features and quick links:
- Article search page
- Browse authors page
- Browse Clean Run by year
- Browse all Clean Run series. e.g. Backyard Dogs, Editorializing
- Browse all article "tags"
- Free reprint articles on the web and free online Clean Run issues
Every link that used to point to my old Clean Run Search should now send you to the new magazine search page. Please let me know if you find one that doesn’t. Please let me know if you have other ideas for improving this new search feature.
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