Dynamic Dog Agility Handler Warm Up - Video

12 Feb 2025Steve Schwarz

You know you and your dog need to be warmed up before you get in the ring to help avoid injury and to perform at your best. Right? But, maybe you don't know where to start. Here is a video and PDF created by Chris Kerton of Karma Fitness outlining a dynamic warm up routine specifically designed for dog agility handlers!


Smaller Space Training Sequence

31 Jan 2025Steve Schwarz

I created a 50' x 80' (15m x 24m) jumping version of a fun and challenging Dana Pike agility training course I recently shared. Lots of good challenges with some longer lines even in a smaller space.


Dana Pike Int'l Training Sequence - Video

26 Jan 2025Steve Schwarz

A Dana Pike designed a Standard agility training course based on a Jan Egil Eide course. I've included the course diagram, a discussion of handling options, and a video of Spark and me running the sequence with some of the options.


Using a Jump Wing as a Training Prop for Back Side/Threadle Slices - Video

21 Jan 2025Steve Schwarz

I demo adding a jump wing on the take off side of a threadle slice for Spark when he was having trouble finding his take off spot after I raised his jump height up to 24."


Make Your Own UKI US Open Schedule

06 Nov 2024Steve Schwarz

Use my new AgilityNerd Compete website to create your schedule for the UKI US Open event.


Use NFC/Mulligans for New Environments/Equipment in Competition - Video

17 Aug 2024Steve Schwarz

Use NFC/FEO and mulligan runs to acclimate your dogs to new equipment, flooring, and other environmental factors. It was the best $20 I've spent!


Plan the Work and Work the Plan

09 Aug 2024Steve Schwarz

I got scolded by both my instructor and by Snap!'s rehab vet in class and I knew better!


Stacie Cwik Intl Course and Small Space Training Sequences

25 Jul 2024Steve Schwarz

Stacie Cwik setup a fun international style course in her class last week. She let me share her full size course and I extracted a small space section of the course. Both have multiple "either/or" handling options. Set it up and have fun!


Short Tunnels are Great for Discriminations!

20 Jul 2024Steve Schwarz

3ft/1m tunnels are awesome for discrimination training! You don’t have haul out a full size tunnel and all of its sand bags.


Say you are training your dog’s contacts without saying it!

12 Jul 2024Steve Schwarz

Had to take a photo as I was getting ready to train Spark's contacts.