Raise/Lower Your A Frame by Yourself
25 Jun 2024
If your A Frame is so low that it slides (or rolls in my case) and/or it won’t stay in position when you lift it, then I’ve got a two word solution: “Farm Jack”. They are also handy for pulling up fence posts.
If you are strong enough you could flip it on its side and then adjusted the chains and flip it back.
But this idea hit me and it was faster and a lot easier on my back.

Key points:
- Read the instructions so you are safe.
- Set the jack so it is lifting the A Frame from the bottom of the frame.
- Keep dogs and children away from the jack and the A Frame when you are using it.
- The jack lifts slightly off center so it and the A Frame will tilt as it gets higher. So you might position it slightly under the A Frame when lifting so it will stay closer to vertical as it goes up.

Here is a quick video of using the jack to lift the A Frame:
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