Camp Photos
23 Oct 2007
Photographer/proprietor Kathleen Shaffer of Pup Art Photography has taken photos at the last few Dana Pike camps. I finally got around to ordering some really nice photos of Milo that she took at Dana’s Spring 2007 Camp.
Since I waited so long to order them she was able to deliver them to Dana’s Fall 2007 Camp a few weeks ago. On course Milo has a kind of happy, yet crazed, abandon in him and these pictures capture that. These photos look really nice in the 8” x 10” size I ordered. With her permission I’ve posted small versions here:
Milo Jumping

Milo Jumping and Looking for Dad

With her high speed digital camera she was also captured three shots of Meeker in the same set of weave poles. Kathleen then applied her “Pup Art” to the photos after putting them into one frame. It is the only interesting action shot of Meeker I have. He has so little white on his face it is hard to see his expression in most pictures. I really like this montage so I bought it in the large format. Here’s a small version:
So keep you eyes open for Kathleen at an agility trial near you and see how she captures your dog’s personality on course.
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