Kathy Keats' World Championship Challenges - Video

09 Dec 2014Steve Schwarz

I’ve been a subscriber to Kathy Keats’ “The Agility Coach” email Newsletter for a while and have enjoyed her thoughts on the mental aspects of the game we play. Recently I saw she was offering four weeks of World Championship Challenges; each week for four weeks she sends out a course setup with multiple sequences to test your skills. I set the first week up and tried all the sequences one Fall afternoon with Flyer and videotaped our efforts.

I thought they were a lot of fun and you can play around with the spacing to put them in smaller spaces. So I contacted Kathy and she graciously allowed me to share the first week’s setup and sequences with you. Thanks Kathy!

Kathy Keats World Class Agility Challenges Week 1

Click for Larger Course
Obstacle Legend

Here’s our video. Petey “helped” on the first run (and barked from inside the house on the other sequences) and you’ll see us both loosing a little “oomph” on the last few runs of the afternoon…

There are lots of other (possibly better) ways to handle these sequences; but these will give you some ideas.

I hope you’ll sign up for Kathy’s newsletter and try out the other sequences too. Kathy thanks again for letting me share!

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