Agility Practice Journal Entry - Most Unusual Agility Injury?

10 Sep 2004Steve Schwarz

I went out to practice at Candy’s in West Chicago today. The weather was warm and sunny. Almost too warm out on the course; I was spraying down the dogs with my portable water sprayer after each run. So we called it quits after a few runs and just played some fetch in the shade.

Two lessons to take away from this training session:

  • Don't practice without a plan
  • Watch where you are going

I’m going to write an article about the first issue in my philosophy section one day soon.

The second lesson was a surprise. Dana’s course had a 90 degree approach to the teeter that I should have front crossed on the approach side but I did a very slow rear cross on the approach side instead. For some reason I was very close to the teeter when Milo slammed it down (with a very nice “Touch” I might add). Unfortunately, my right forearm was right over the teeter when it came up giving me a really nice road rash style abrasion that I’m calling Teeter Rash:

Teeter Rash

I guess if I was shorter this could have been a more serious injury, so…
“Be Careful Out There” :^)

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