RACE Agility USDAA Trial

13 Mar 2010Steve Schwarz

Judge was Peggy Hammond from Texas and these were some of the nicest flowing and challenging courses I’ve run; I’ll definitely look for her trials in the future.

Gamblers, has never been a strong class for us, once we got into Masters. We were 1 for 6 coming into this trial (although I’d just missed one by a fraction of a second). We ended up with 52 points and got the gamble; even got a 2nd place.

Standard was uneventful, we qualified and Meeker earned his “Masters Standard Agility” title (5 Masters qualifying scores)

Our first Tournament class. It was a fast, open course with a couple sticky spots and I went almost all out and we qualified; although 2.5 seconds away from 1st place. There were some really fast dogs taking the placements.

The last class of the day was Jumpers, my metal focus was fading a little, but I got ahead where I needed to and ran the final diagonal line to avoid crossing and Meeker read the line. We qualified and he earned his “Jumpers Masters” title (5 Masters jumpers qualifying scores).

The switch to day light savings time gave me an excuse to go to bed early so we could get up at 5:30 (the old 4:3) to do it all again…

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