Dana Pike Tornado Fund

10 Jun 2008Steve Schwarz

This past Saturday night agility trainer Dana Pike had her training building destroyed and her home damaged by a tornado. Fortunately, she and her dogs were able to get into the crawlspace before the tornado hit. She posted some photos and her account of the incident on her website. In minutes Dana lost years of hard work that went into the facility and the equipment it contained. She now faces a huge clean up and repair effort.

While she has insurance it in no way will cover the expenses she will be facing. In response to numerous requests I have set up an account at TCF Bank for those who wish to help Dana.

Thank you for considering donating. The fund is now closed

The IRS does not consider donations to an individual to be tax deductible. The bank is not charging any fees and no expenses will be deducted from the account. All the money deposited in the account will be given directly to Dana Pike. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this fund.

I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has contacted me with their concerns and desire to help. Special thanks to Whitney Rupp who kindly setup the PayPal account and will be assisting with handling the donations.

Please keep Dana and her family in your thoughts as she goes through this difficult time.

Thank you very much.

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