Dana Pike Tornado Fund Wrapping Up

26 Jul 2008Steve Schwarz

It looks like the end of this month will be a good time to wrap up collecting money for the DanaPike Tornado Fund. I’ll disable the PayPal donation button and once any remaining checks have all cleared I’ll close the bank account and issue all the funds to Dana.

Being an engineer I had to get some statistics for the people who have contributed to the fund. So far we have had 60 contributors from the US and Canada in 22 states and provinces. Contributors included “locals”, seminar attendees, other trainers, and even people who have never met Dana.

I think Dana has been quite overwhelmed by all the support, well wishes, offers of help, equipment, and donations. She is an independent and private person and I think this outpouring of help has been more than she would ever have expected. Personally, I’ve found it has restored my faith in humanity. I know I’ve run into a lot of genuinely nice people in the agility world and, while the stories and conduct on some of the email lists can make me doubt it sometimes, there are some really thoughtful and considerate folks in our sport.

I would like to thank all of you for your contributions and give my thanks to Whitney Rupp who has been helping out too.

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