Practice Course - Obstacle Discriminations

07 May 2007Steve Schwarz

Meeker and I have been working on contacts and I thought it was time to start introducing obstacle discriminations into the mix. I came up with four sequences that I really liked. I also set up the tunnels to force distance between the handler and the sides of the contact obstacles. In addition to tunnel/contact discriminations the sequences include Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence,Pin Wheels, and Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap with numerous handling options.

Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates

Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates

Course Sequence 1

Course Sequence 1

An open and fast sequence. Begins with a Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence to the Dog Walk. I tried handling from both sides; for me handling with the jumps on the right worked best. A tunnel Dog Walk discrimination with a 90 degree approach. I like the next section where the dog gets the same approach to the next discrimination back to back. Then a big loop and back to the dog walk - tunnel discrimination; this time through the tunnel to the exit.

Course Sequence 2

Course Sequence 2

Opens with a Pin Wheel into the tunnel/A Frame discrimination and back around again into the same challenge. Then a push out or FrontCross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross out of the tunnel and over the broad jump to the table. I liked the curving jump sequence to the tunnel. The tunnel - jump - weave can be a tough entry as the dog has a lot of speed and can over run either the jump or the weave entry. The sequence ends with a 90 degree approach to the Dog Walk/tunnel discrimination.

Course Sequence 3

Course Sequence 3

Opens with jump to the Dog Walk and then a turn off the Dog Walk into the tunnel (the “anti” discrimination). Coming out of the tunnel a three jump Serpentine or jump into a three jump Pin Wheel. Then the “anti” discrimination of the tunnel and A Frame giving a wrap to the A Frame. A short stride over broad jump and its two jumps to the teeter. After the weaves it is an Over Come/

Jump Wrap Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap before the two jumps to the final tunnel.

Course Sequence 4

Course Sequence 4

The sequence opens with a Serpentine to the tunnel and then wrapping back up the Dog Walk. Then the A Frame/tunnel discrimination is faced twice in a row. Then after the outer obstacles the Dog Walk tunnel discrimination is faced. Coming out of the tunnel is a seven jump “S” curve ending with the broad jump.

Meeker and played around on this course for a couple weeks and found a lot of interesting subsequences to play with. I hope you enjoy it.

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