Practice Course - Serpentines, Threadles, Weave Entries and Contacts

03 Apr 2007Steve Schwarz

For the first backyard course of the year I wanted to setup a course that I could run as a whole and that I could leave set up for a while to work on some specific skills. Those skills include:

There aren’t any significant discriminations in the sequences I’ve created because I just wanted to work on proper execution of skills without adding off courses into the mix. I came up with four sequences emphasizing some of these skills but there are many more you can easily think up if you want to repeat various sequences or obstacles. Of course you should play around with distances, changing obstacles, and you could put out some other obstacles as off courses too.

Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates

Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates
Obstacle Legend

Colors Highlighting Skill Sections

Course Setup Showing Specific Skills

Sequence 1: Threadle, Serpentine, 270 and Straight Contact Approaches

Sequence 1

I’d start with obstacles 1-4 on my left executing the Threadle by moving backwards. The 5-6-7 270 Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence I stole from a Dana Pike practice course from class a couple weeks ago. Do you handle it like a Serpentine all from one side (dog on your left throughout) or Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross and Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn at the jump 6 standard? The rest of the course is pretty straight forward - can you (should you) Front Cross from 17 to 18? Are the weaves an off course to your dog?

Sequence 2: Threadle, Straight Contact Approaches and a Serpentine

Sequence 2

This is a variation of Sequence 1 that opens with the opposite side Threadle (if handling while moving backward the dog is on the handler’s right from 1-4). I’d lead out to the landing side of jump 1 and between 1 and 2. Then (Front/Rear) cross and a Jump Wrap Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap over 5 and into a fast loop over the three contacts. A straight on weave entry and a big jumping loop ending in a three jump Serpentine.

Sequence 3: Three Weave Entries, Jumping Sequence, Straight Dog Walk Approach, and a Serpentine

Sequence 3

Two 90 degree weave entries and opportunities for Front and Rear Crosses at the end of the weave poles. Post Turn or Rear Cross into the weaves at 7? I’m thinking 7-20 can all be handled with the dog on the handler’s right. Good opportunity for Single Sided Serpentine Handling.

Sequence 4: Four Weave Entries, Jump Wraps, 270, Serpentine

Sequence 4

Try wrapping your dog in both directions on jumps prior to the weaves to change the weave entry angles. At 10 you can also switch which side of the tunnel you enter to change the weave approach. 13-14-15-16 is the opposite direction of the interesting 270 challenge in sequence

  1. Which side of the jumps do you want to be on for the 18-19-20 Serpentine?

I hope you give these a try and enjoy them.

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