Elsewhere in April
28 May 2013
Looks like April sped past and I didn’t update you on AgilityNerd stuff elsewhere on the web; a lot of interesting links so let’s get right to it:

- Susan Garrett's DASH: 'Desire' applies to the trainer too.
- Dana Pike advanced seminar course.
- A really interesting IFCS Snooker course, another reason to get a third tunnel...
- Lisa Frick training course. You can fit the top right of Lisa Frick's course in ~60 x 50 space. It was fun to run if you do this sequence: 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 8 7(backward) or 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 9 8 7. Or you can leave out the weaves and fit it into 50 x 50. It was fun with Meeker & Petey!
- Elayne and Strummer blog and video using Top Spin.
- Rose and Belle video trying Top Spin.
- Are we training the dogs or are we being trained?.
- Jenny Damm video with slow motion and handling descriptions.
- My quick video contrasting my handling for a Front Cross Jump Wrap and a Ketschker Jump Wrap.
- Haters gotta hate.
- Eduard Bonet international coursesscroll down to the actual courses.
- Can you name the repurposed agility equipment?
- Suzanne Clothier's bittersweet story with a wonderful poem by Dalia Shevin that brought a tear to my eyes.
- Feedback on Back on Track Dog Leg Wraps.
- I finally stop reading the AgileDogs email list.
- Feedback on Rachel Sanders' Bridging the Gap DVD.
- European Open qualifying course by Mirja Lapanja (Slovenia) run in Italy. Appears unrelentingly technical.
- Cool biathlon jumpers course from the Continental Championship of the Americas.
My agility and life quote of the day during April:
"Who you hang out with determines what you dream about and what you collide with. And the collisions and the dreams lead to your changes. And the changes are what you become. Change the outcome by changing your circle."
Wow, a lot went on in April! Hope you find this recap helpful!
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