2019 Readers' Favorites

30 Dec 2019Steve Schwarz

As we approach 2020, I thought I’d take minute to see which blog posts readers found the most popular throughout 2019. It’s a mix of new articles and some of my all time most popular.

Here are the 10 most popular pages for the whole year:

  1. Dog Agility Jump Height Calculator. I wrote this calculator a few years ago to make it easy to find your dog’s jump height in almost all dog agility organizations.

  2. Weave Safety in One Photo. An awesome action photo captured three potential weave safety issues in one shot.

  3. Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 Nov. An expanded version of my Clean Run Backyard Dogs article focusing on handling your dog on courses with turns on straight tunnels.

  4. Learning the Front Cross. One of my very first articles on how to teach yourself and your dog the Rear Cross.

  5. Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 July. Another of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the July 2018 issue of Clean Run to work on “handling all the things”.

  6. Learning the Rear Cross. The corollary to my Front Cross article on how to teach yourself and your dog the Rear Cross.

  7. One Jump Drills. My site’s most popular article of all time. You can train a real lot of agility handling with just one jump. Here are 24 exercises requiring only a single jump.

  8. Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 Sep. Another of my Backyard Dogs articles with sequences, based on one of my seminar courses, so you can practice handling tunnel entrances, exits, and handling from both sides of a tunnel.

  9. PVC Moveable Ring Dividers/Gates/Fencing. My design and dimensions for building PVC ring gates.

  10. Seventy Two Backyard Courses! From a couple years ago, seventy two training sequences that should fit in a range of backyards. I created twelve advanced sequences and twelve novice sequences in each of three different sizes: 25’ x 30’, 40’ x 30’, and 35’ x 45’.

I didn’t write very many articles during the first part of the year. The old software I used to run the blog made writing a very “un-fun” thing to do. Once I converted all my old posts and customized this new blogging software, I’m really liking blogging again.

So I hope you’ll find me writing more new and interesting articles in 2020.

Happy New Year!

Cover photo Flyer at 2019 Cynosport copyright Great Dane Photos and used with permission.

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