CPE - For Your Canine - Mar 2009

20 Mar 2009Steve Schwarz

Meeker and I competed at our "home turf"For Your Canine's CPE trial last weekend. The judge was Albert (Neal) Winters. It had probably been eight or more years since he judged Mr. Peabody and me in numerous Windy City Agility Club's UKC trials.

I won’t bore you with play by play of all eight runs. So here are some highlights:

  • First Standard run Meeker missed his A Frame contact :^( but Neal must not have seen it so he Q'd anyway. He nailed his A Frame on the second Standard run. Overall Meeker was 50% on his running A Frame (2 for 4 attempts)...
  • Saw Whitney and her pup Rumorin his first indoor trial. Rumor is wicked fast and quite the little talker on course. I'm pretty sure he took at least one first place. Thanks for video taping Whitney!
  • We got our final level 3 Colors Q so Meeker has his CL3-H title.
  • He dropped two bars on Saturday, both on Rear Crosses Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross where his tail wrapped the upgrights. One was so late he was almost done with the next obstacle when it dropped.
  • Sunday my head wasn't in the game on the first course and I sent Meeker perfectly off course on the final obstacle in Wildcard. Doh!
  • Jackpot (Gamblers) we got a lot of points waiting for the whistle to start the gamble. Although I missed sending him over the A Frame before the gamble. The gamble was about 60 feet long; a tunnel to a jump to six weave poles all about 15 feet from the gamble line. I was able to support Meeker's line and verbally cued "Weaves" as he came out of the tunnel. So he never looked anywhere but toward the weaves. I think only two or three teams got the gamble.
  • In Snooker we ran the maximum points opening and I kept Meeker nicely away from the off courses. The run felt really good.
  • Got a Full House Level 3 Q so now he only needs one more Full House leg to complete his CL-3 title

So overall we were 6 Qs for 8 attempts, 5 1st places and a 2nd place. Of course in CPE there are so many levels and so few dogs in each level you are only competing against a handful of dogs for placements. The running A Frame is still our Achilles heel, but now that Meeker has recovered from his injury and it is warming outside we can start working on it a little each day to get more consistent.

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