Meeker's Return to Trialing - FYC CPE Trial

28 Dec 2010Steve Schwarz

Meeker and I competed in a CPE trial judged by Lisa Potts at For Your K9 on November 28th. It was Meeker's first time trialing since his back injury at the end of June. We entered three classes: Jumpers, Colors and Jackpot. Meeker is working on his Level 4 titles and I couldn't resist a chance to get some of those elusive game legs. The nice thing about the games classes is they normally are shorter sequences. I didn't want to over do it.

Not only did Meeker have fun, run well and wasn’t sore, I won the worker video raffle! Larry at Agility Videos kindly donated video of all our runs that day. It is really nice of him to reward volunteers with his services! I just got the video in the mail and have posted it to YouTube (with his permission). Meeker ran pretty well, he had one weird A Frame down contact and at one point he converged nicely on my line when I almost drove him past the next obstacle. He ran quite nicely and we qualified in all three runs.

I’m thrilled to be in the ring with him again!

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