Rand Park Dog Training Club AKC Novice Trial

17 Oct 2009Steve Schwarz

Meeker competed in his first trial since recovering from his gluteus injury and we did pretty well. The trial was at For Your Canine, our "home turf", last weekend. The judge was local Annette Narel, the course changes were easy and the trial ran very smoothly. Here's the video:

A big thanks to Liz for taking the video, she and her pup River ran very well all day, especially impressive for a youngster.

So I’m pretty happy with how we ran, but there is always room for improvement. We started with FAST, Meeker was high in the yellow on his downside A Frame contact, and for some unknown reason I called him to me as he exited the tunnel so I pulled him off his line for the weaves. He would have hit the entry perfectly. We qualified with a second place. The second run was Standard and Meeker was high in the yellow on the downside A Frame contact again. He’s also not going all the way to the end of the other contacts for his 2o2o so I’m waiting around nagging him to get into position (until I get tired of waiting…). He qualified, won 1st place and that run also gave him is Novice Agility title. The final run was Jumpers With Weaves and the main question was whether or not to Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross or Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross on the approach to a Pin Wheel in the middle of the course. I thought I had cued the cross early, was in good position, and out of his way when I executed the Front Cross but Meeker knocked the bar.

So this past week I’ve been starting the work on putting the 2o2o back on Meeker’s running a frame… Maybe I’ll write a post about my thinking on giving up the running A Frame with him. It’s been pretty quiet here on AgilityNerd because I’ve been working on a major new feature for Googility, I hope to release it by the end of the month…

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