Advanced Class Course + 2 Sequences/Video - 2009-Sep-23

24 Sep 2009Steve Schwarz

Here’s another challenging course that I created out of the previous class’ equipment layout. It has Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap, pull throughs, 180s and some interesting handling challenges.

I’ve shown some alternative obstacles in red. You can replace the chute with a set of six weave poles for a different challenge. My table is still disassembled at home so I replaced it with a jump for obstacle 11/18.

Sequence 1 Setup

Sequence Setup

Bonus Sequence 2

Sequence 2

Bonus Sequence 3

Sequence 3

Handling Analysis

I’ve run out of time to write up detailed handling notes. But made a video for all three sequences and two diagrams showing some handling options for the first/class sequence. The main thing to note is Front Crossing Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross after the chute is tough and would really depend on the space available between the chute and the next jumps as well as your and your dog’s speed. I preferred the Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross but I had a couple students get the Front Cross without getting “too” much in their dog’s way… Sometimes a rear cross is really the best handling!

Handling the Opening

Handling the opening sequence

Handling After the Chute

Handling after the chute

Here’s a video showing some handling options for the whole first sequence. The second half of the video shows as many handling options for the “interesting” parts as I could come up with.

Please leave a comment on how you ran this course and the issues you encountered!

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