Advanced Class Course: Where Did This Come From?

25 Jul 2011Steve Schwarz

Sometimes my students will ask me things like this when they come to class. I tell them I have about 15-30 minutes and whatever equipment is left in my half of the building from which to make it up! This week I stole 9-12 from Dana Pike’s course of the week. I’m trying to combine fast moving and tight handling to keep my students on their toes. This course has: 270s Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence, a 90 degree weave entrance, a Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence, a Back Side jump Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video, Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap and a Pin Wheel and of course multiple handling possibilities.

If you don’t have a dog walk you can substitute some jumps (and run!) or jump/teeter, a jump/a frame combinations to take the space at number 14.

For my intermediate class we worked on the 1-14 with the black numbered 6. Both my intermediate and advanced classes did a really nice job on this course.

Course Setup

Obstacle Legend

Here are some quick notes on how you might handle it (white circles):

  • Dog on handler's left 1-2 Shoulder Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn around to the tunnel.
  • 4-5:
    • A Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross on the take off side of 4 turns the dog too tightly to get a good weave approach.
    • Rear Cross on the landing of 4 worked perfectly for teams where the dog was faster than the handler.
    • Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross or Blind Cross on the approach to 4 also worked nicely for faster handlers (and ones who trusted their dogs over jump 2 and got moving).
    • With the Front/Blind crosses the handler has to not drive too hard forward or they support the off course jump 13.
  • For the back side of jump 6 the Push to the back side and Front Cross across the landing side of the jump kept the handler ahead and had the shortest path for the dog.
  • With the handler ahead it is easy to Front Cross Jump Wrap jump 7 and have the dog on the handler's right on the way to the tunnel.
  • Getting behind or Rear Crossing jump 7 didn't help the handler at all for the upcoming sequence.
  • Layering jump 1/19 wasn't necessary if the handler was ahead at 7. If you had to layer the handler has to be ahead of jump 19 when the dog exits the tunnel. Otherwise the dog sees the handler on the landing of 1/19 and (correctly) will come in to the handler - it looks just like a One Jump Drill Back Side of Jump Handling Combinations - VideoOne Jump Drills to the dog.
  • 10-11 RFP or Backy-Uppy to get the dog's head to the take off side of 11.
  • 11-12 dog on handler's right.
  • Front or Rear Cross on the approach to 13.
  • Fast handler and dog with good contacts can handle 15 by pushing the dog to the backside (dog on handler's left) all the to 16. Other side worked just as well.
  • Handle 17-20 on handler's left - no crosses necessary if you have the speed. Although a Front Cross between 18 and 19 works nicely as well.

This was a fun one, give it a try!

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