Snow Jump

01 Dec 2006Steve Schwarz

Ok just a little wintery agility update. The northern suburbs of Chicago got a lot of snow overnight. Here’s a jump in my backyard, the bar is at 20 inches so it looks like the snow is at the 12 inch jump cup and about 4 inches of snow on the bar. With Meeker as invigorated by the snow as he is I wouldn’t be surprised if he would still clear the jump… Ho Ho Ho.

Snow Jump

Snow Jump

I’ve updated this post because when I got up the next morning the sun was shining and the big spruce and fir trees that ring my backyard looked really nice with the sun shining off the snow. I’d bet the big spruce on the left is probably almost 50 feet high, it is quite a tree. So here are a couple low res shots to give you an idea of our winter wonderland.

Big TreeSnowy Trees

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