Snow Angels?

04 Feb 2008Steve Schwarz

Nancy mentioned that I hadn’t posted any pictures or videos of Petey in a while. He is approaching his 1st birthday and is now as big as Milo and Meeker. We got around four or five inches of snow at my place this past week so the three dogs got to rocket around in it. They do love to play in the snow!

After an initial hour of playing fetch and such we got some lunch and then left Milo inside and let the two youngsters out so they could wrestle. If Milo is outside at the same time Meeker is just too fixated on him and won’t play with Petey - Meeker has to “work” and herd Milo when Meeker isn’t chasing his own toy. It is great when Petey and Meeker play together because they really wear each other out. They only stop when they need to eat some snow to cool down or when we make them take a break.

So here is some video Nancy shot out through the window onto the backyard (you can see the A Frame is stuck in the middle of the yard again :^):

Hope your dogs are having some outdoor fun too.

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