Videos, Blogs and Referrers

25 Jan 2008Steve Schwarz

I got a nice email from a reader asking if I had a list of my blog entries that had video clips. While I’ve recently been posting my videos on YouTube there are still some older posts for which the videos are downloaded directly from my website. The reason I started posting videos was to help folks better visualize what I’m trying to talk about. So to make it easier to find those videos I’ve added a link to my left menu called… Videos in which I’ve put links to all my video related articles. I’ll update it as I add more articles with videos.

While reading one of my regular agility blogs, Training Journal for Devon and Jaime, I learned about the really beautiful The Daily Coyote blog and added it to my Blogroll. TDC is just full of incredible pictures. Thanks a lot for the heads up Cedarfield!

That got me thinking about incoming and outgoing links between blogs. So I figured I should give some “Google Juice” to all the dog blogs, forums, and other websites whose writers have been kind enough to link to my blog. So I added a section to the bottom of my Blogroll with a list of links to all the sites that have linked to me in the past year.

I guess I had been aware that readers from all over the world stop by, but I was kind of surprised by all the different sites. There are a lot more dog and agility blogs on the internet now than when I started blogging in August of 2004. Check out some of these sites, you might find some new ones to add to your list of interests.

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