Virtual Coffee for AgilityNerd

15 Apr 2020Steve Schwarz

Over the years I’ve had kind readers ask if they can contribute to me or help support the costs of running the AgilityNerd websites. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I wanted to ask my readers for money, no matter how small. I write and create because I enjoy sharing what I know and hope it helps others. After talking with my agility pals, I figured something subtle and fun would be a good idea and the payments would help offset my web hosting fees (around $800 USD annually).

I asked around and found the Ko-fi service which offers a free service and uses PayPal or Stripe to securely accept payments. Their idea of buying someone a virtual cup of coffee as thanks for a useful article, training tip, or agility training course had just the right friendly feeling to me. I hope you think so too!

So I added a note at the end of each article (like you’ll see on this page too) asking: “If you enjoyed this article won’t you please: Buy me a coffee Thanks!“.

If you click the “Buy me a coffee” button you’ll see a screen like this:

Screenshot of the AgilityNerd page on Ko-fi
Screenshot of the AgilityNerd page on Ko-fi

Clicking on the Support button brings up the payment page:

Screenshot of the payment page
Screenshot of the payment page

You can leave me a message, enter your name (or remain anonymous) and then choose between PayPal and Stripe for making your payment. Then click the “Support Now” button and you’ll be taken through entering your payment information. My website and never see your payment details, all money is handled by PayPal or Stripe directly.

I hope you’ll consider “buying me a coffee” someday. I am thankful for every cup and I’m always very appreciative of your thanks and kind words!

If you enjoyed this article won't you please: Buy Me a Coffee at Thanks!

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