Flyer's First Swim

13 Nov 2011Steve Schwarz

Nancy and I take Milo and Petey to Splash Dog for swimming almost every week. Milo loves swimming and it is great exercise for him (he turns 13 tomorrow!). Petey is a good swimmer but he sometimes looses interest after a while. We used to take Meeker, he is a great swimmer and very enthusiastic, but he is too intense and really twists around to chase his toy in the water. With his sore back he is more likely to do himself “a damage” in spite of the wonderful benefits of swimming.

So we brought Flyer along to try a few minutes of swimming. Amy and Traci do a nice job allowing the dogs to figure things out, helping them, and giving them lots of breaks (Milo wants to swim constantly back and forth…) Flyer wasn’t panicking in the water, he was a little concerned but in a few minutes he was learning to better control his motions. We spent a few more minutes getting him to play on the ramp in to the water. While shopping for a toy Flyer stepped back off the deck into the pool he was unphased. He also knocked a skimming net over a second later, it was great to see how confident and resilient his personality is. Here is some video, the lens fogged up in the warm humid air but you can still see him in action:

Watching the video I just realized I didn’t put Petey in the credits (he had a brief cameo appearance :^)…

We’ll start bringing Flyer and give him a few minutes each week as he learns and soon he should be an able little swimmer.

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