Coaching: Speed and Motivation

25 Jul 2013Steve Schwarz

When my AgilityNerd Facebook page went over 5,000 likes, which still amazes me, I offered remote coaching to two randomly chosen handlers and their dogs. Kevin and his dog Maverick were one of the two.

I’m still working out how best to do remote coaching and what might be a good “process”. Here are my original instructions to both handlers (you can see I was assuming we’d be working on handling):

First thing, let me know something about you and your dog and any handling issues for which I should keep an eye open.

Since this is the first time I’ve done handling training via video I thought it might be best to have kind of a structured approach. Here are my thoughts. PLEASE let me know if you have any better ideas!

Choose a course from my practice sequences that has challenges that will stretch you or has elements with which you’ve had issues in the past: /blog/agility/courses/steve/72-backyard-sequences.html

Set up the course, study the diagram, walk it and prepare yourself mentally as if it is a trial - 10 min walk through limit :)

No pre-practicing/warm up runs. Ideally you and your dog would be fresh and warmed up but the course will be new to you and your dog.

I’d like to compare before and after videos so if you could use/borrow a tripod for your video camera that would be great. Then keep track of where you set up the camera so you can put it in roughly the same place for the second video.

Just like a trial, only the first run “counts”. So start the camera and let ‘er rip! If you have “faults” do whatever you’d do in a trial and complete the sequence.

If it’s too easy/too hard pick another sequence and restart the process.

I’d like you to send me the video of your first run of the course. You can tape a few other attempts if you like, but I don’t really care if you don’t complete the sequence perfectly. I want to see how you work together as a team.

So Kevin replied he was looking for suggestions for how to get Maverick more motivated on course. He shot his video and, after some issues getting Dropbox to cooperate, I took a look at his video. I used Coach’s Eye to create this video reply:

Kevin replied and is going to work on the drills I suggested and he’ll give us some video feedback in a month or so. I’ll also give some comments on using Coach’s Eye in a future article.

I really enjoyed doing the remote coaching and think it might be another good way of helping teams improve their handling.

Video Coaching is now available!

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