Dog Agility Coaching: Front Cross Execution and Convergence

11 Mar 2014Steve Schwarz

Here’s my latest video coaching session with Susan and Moon where we concentrate on front cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross execution and discuss converging on the dog’s line. When we first saw Susan and Moon she was looking to increase her intensity while running courses with Moon and we found she was avoiding “going for it” and getting to her Front Crosses. Since them she has done a little homework on Front Cross mechanics and we discussed using the Front Cross Line Using the Handler Line - Front/Rear/Blind Cross LineHandler Line - Front/Rear/Blind Cross Line to help her locate her Front Crosses. In today’s video we can see they are moving together faster as a team and they are both much more confident handling on course.

There is a lot going on in this session! We also discuss an alternate Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence handling method:

I know this video was a little long but I think it has a lot of examples of what to look for in a properly executed front cross - I hope you enjoyed it!

I’d love to work with you! Here’s more information on my video coaching service.

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