Emily Klarman - UKI Masters Agility/Jumpers - Video & Analysis

14 Mar 2014Steve Schwarz

This past weekend Flyer and I competed in UKI Agility at Lucky Dog Academy and competed in the Masters Agility biathlon where you run both “international” Standard (aka “agility”) and Jumpers courses. If you place highly enough in one or both runs you can bypass one round of competition in Biathlon at the UKI Nationals.

Local USDAA/UKI judge Emily Klarman created the courses and was kind enough to let me share them with you. I really liked both courses. I have to admit the Jumpers course looked kind of ugly on paper and we were all ready to give her grief about it - until we ran it. It ran nicely and was a real blast.

Here are her courses and I’ve created not one but two video analyses: one for each course where I show how we ran it and then “coach” myself on how to improve my handling.

So having a long frozen winter definitely shows in our performance and we’ve got plenty to work on this Spring! But there were a lot of good moments in those runs! I’m glad we got through them and proud of Flyer; he ended up in 1st place in both runs - in this small trial we earned $20 for our placement!

Thanks again Emily for the fun courses and for letting me share them!

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