Elizabeth Diehl - Masters Challenge Jumpers - Video and Analysis

30 Jun 2014Steve Schwarz

At the Fly Right Over trial Flyer and I ran a fun and challenging Masters Challenge Jumpers course by local judge Elizabeth Diehl. Big thanks to Beth for letting me share her course! Here’s her course:

Masters Challenge Jumpers Setup

Obstacle Legend

The course was set very close to the diagram with just small tweaks and the last jump rotated to give dogs more room to land without jumping toward the ring gating.

Rather than giving a wordy text analysis of the different handling strategies I put together a Coach’s Eye video showing them:

Video Course Analysis

If you want to see how it ran here’s Flyer and me running it with some discussion afterward of what I did right and wrong:

Video Course Analysis

If you are looking for a fun, fast and challenging course set up Beth’s course for your next practice! Beth thanks again for sharing!

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