Small Space Courses for a Fun Fourth!

04 Jul 2014Steve Schwarz

For the Fourth of July I took a small section from one of my class course working on tunnel/A Frame discriminations and came up with three challenging sequences for a smaller space. These sequences work on:

Here are the sequences:

Feel free to use all winged jumps and to spread out the jumps if you have room. I think you’ll find it changes the challenges!

Please try these out and share your video! We'd all love to see it!

Hope you all have a safe and fun Fourth of July!

2014-Jul-06 Update: Video of Sequence 1 with Five Opening Handling Options

2014-Jul-07 Update: Video of Sequence 2 with Side-by-Side Analysis

2014-Jul-08 Update: Video of Sequence 3 with Two Handling Methods

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