Dog Agility Coaching: Identifying Timely Front Crosses

12 Oct 2013Steve Schwarz

When we first saw Susan and Moon she was looking to increase her intensity while running courses with Moon and we found she was avoiding “going for it” and getting to her Front Crosses Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross. Since them she has done a little homework on Front Cross mechanics and we discussed using the Front Cross Line Using the Handler Line - Front/Rear/Blind Cross LineHandler Line - Front/Rear/Blind Cross Line to help her locate her Front Crosses.

I also challenged her to find one good Front Cross location on each course she runs and make a point of “getting to that spot”. So after a few weeks she sent me four videos from a recent weekend trial to get some more feedback - the good news is she is already getting faster runs.

As part of my coaching, I want everyone I coach to be able to identify when they are executing and cuing a cross appropriately. It doesn’t matter what “Handling System”(TM) you use or what cues you use to turn your dog. It turns out all you have to do is “watch your dog” - their path will show you if you gave them enough turning cues in time to act on them. So take a look at this coaching session to see what I’m talking about:

I hope you found this video useful and it helps you identify when your crosses are timely.

If you are interested in your own video coaching session get more info at the AgilityNerd store.

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