Sweet Dreams Meeker

13 Nov 2013Steve Schwarz

Yesterday Meeker lost his fight against lymphoma. To me his life won’t be defined by the last five months of his too short eight years. To me it is defined by all those years of living, learning, playing and growing together. He took me on a wonderful journey, an adventure, that changed my life is so many ways.

I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, remembrances, and good wishes from our friends. I’m also deeply touched by all of you who never met me or Meeker in person and have written how Meeker touched your lives. Through our adventures, struggles and successes Meeker became a small part of your lives and I’m glad you got to meet him.

I’ve always thought my Meeker was special, he’ll always be in my heart and I have so many wonderful memories - but knowing he touched so many others turns some of today’s sadness into happiness.

Here are some photos by me and some wonderful photographers of my boy that capture some of his enthusiasm and his beautiful smile.

Meeker collage

Sweet dreams my beloved Meeker.

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