Follow/Subscribe to AgilityNerd By Email

04 May 2021Steve Schwarz

You can be notified by email whenever I add a new article. Each email contains the article title, a short description, and a link to the full article. An email is only sent when an article is added.

Enter your email address in the form below and click Subscribe.

Once you follow/subscribe you’ll be sent a confirmation email. You have to click on the link in the email to confirm your subscription!

Follow AgilityNerd by Email:

I had been using Google’s Feedburner service to let people subscribe and send out emails. But Google is shutting down Feedburners’ email service.

So I’ve switched to the service and moved all the current subscribers over. They use the term “follow” instead of “subscribe” but it’s the same concept.

One nice thing about is you can find/follow other blogs and get notified when they post new articles too.

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