Suzanne Clothier Blog

27 Feb 2009Steve Schwarz

Suzanne Clothier has launched a blogon her snazzy new website.
Suzanne Clothier Logo

I have nothing but raves for Suzanne who always challenges us to bring all of ourselves to our relationships with our dogs. She deeply questions the why and how we and our animals behave as we do. Suzanne’s Relationship Centered Training Approach is all about “Promoting healthy relationships & humane training through a holistic approach to the dog body, mind and soul.”

I’ve enjoyed all her posts but I really appreciated her commentary on a study showing how an owner’s aggressive behavior affects a dog’s aggressive behavior. It is a good read with valuable links to primary sources and I hope it serves as another nail in the coffin of television “trainers” and writers still applying abusive and confrontational training techniques.

I’ve added her blog to my Blogroll and I think you’ll find Suzanne’s blog a valuable addition to your reading list too.

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