If You Can Read This...

25 Dec 2007Steve Schwarz

then I’ve successfully moved AgilityNerd to Slicehost, my new web host. I think I’ve tested all the functionality but if you find something is broken please email me at “steve at agilitynerd.com”. I hope you’ll find the site is a little faster now. I’ve made some additional changes and have some more changes to come.

What's Changed?

Of course I turned a simple task of copying data between servers into an opportunity to reorganize the layout of files on the server. That will make life easier in the long run but I had to make certain I didn’t end up with broken functionality. So that took a couple days to get to my liking.

As part of this move I’ve changed my main glossary page to only list the definition names as links. Now when you click a link the definition comes up in a new window. I think the old way it wasn’t always clear that when you clicked on a link it would appear under the list of definition names.

I’ve changed some of the links on my site in a, hopefully, non-intrusive way. If you’ve bookmarked any pages those links will still work. The main change is I’ve changed the “index.cgi” to “blog”. So old links like /index.cgi/agility are now /blog/agility. This might help search engines index my site. I’ve also moved by blog “down” a level in the URI space. So if you go to https://agilitynerd.com you’ll be immediately redirected to /blog/. This will allow me to have https://agilitynerd.com be a “front page” when/if I do more with this web site.

So What's Next?

I’m going to move the tech category of this blog to a new blog that will eventually appear on https://tech.agilitynerd.com. I’ll set up redirects for all the existing articles to their new location so they can still be found by folks with links to them. I should be able to move the corresponding RSS feed in a similar manner. This change will allow me to blog more about technology issues unrelated to dog training. The tech articles have bothered some of my agility readers, made the content a little too schizophrenic, and deterred me from giving my two cents on the subject.

I’m also thinking about modifying the layout of the site one more time. On a high resolution monitor the current design allows the center section to expand to fill the browser window. However, I think having very wide lines makes reading the articles harder on your eyes. So I’ll probably go back to a fixed width center section and float the whole site in the middle of the browser window when the window is very wide.

I’ve got to update the database for my

Clean Run Search with the information for 2007. It also looks like Clean Run is no longer selling many of the older issues so I'll try to remove the links to the unavailable issues.

Well that’s it for now. I’ve got a couple other articles done that I’ll post in the coming days, then its back to working on these “infrastructure” changes. Happy Holidays.

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