AgilityNerd is Moving

21 Dec 2007Steve Schwarz

As I mentioned earlier this year, there are times when I haven’t been happy with the performance of my current web hosting service. I’m getting what I pay for (only $40 a year) but I wanted to have better performance and more control over the server software and its configuration. So I’ve purchased a 256 MB “slice” from Slicehost at $20 a month. This larger server configuration (with guaranteed CPU time due to the Xen scheduler) will also let me take the site in a couple other directions I’ve been working on.

I’ve done some preliminary testing and page load times will be reduced by 50% (mostly due to configuration of the Apache web server). The Slicehost servers are in St. Louis, Missouri so my U.S. readers will be the ones who benefit most. Although logs show the page load times for European readers will also be reduced.

So I’m hoping to move the site this weekend or next week. So if something looks “weird” or if the site drops off the web you’ll know what is going on.

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