Happy Holiday Hiatus!

15 Dec 2012Steve Schwarz

Happy Holidays to all our agility pals! Here are the four boys in our holiday card. It was way too hard to wrangle them all into a single photo; Flyer kept bugging Petey and Milo wouldn’t sit still. Green grass backgrounds, no snow yet this winter!

photo of the boys December 2012

I’m a little worn down with all I’ve been doing in AgilityNerd/agility-land. I’m trying to help make dog agility a little safer and sometimes it seems like an uphill battle. But hearing some good news on so many fronts does make me happy.

More importantly, I’m noticing that I’ve been giving Flyer short shrift when it comes to training. It seems I’m always sitting in front of a laptop when I should be playing with my dog. So I’m going to force myself to put the AgilityNerd blog on hiatus until next year - then maybe I can reset my nerd/life balance in the new year.

Enjoy the holiday season and hug your dogs. See you in the New Year!

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