AKC Premier Standard Courses by Tim Pinneri and Arlyn Sigeti - Video
01 Jun 2016
This past weekend Smack Dab’s Agility Club held an AKC agility trial featuring both Premier Standard and Jumpers classes each day. The judges were Tim Pinneri and Arlyn Sigeti and they both kindly let me share their courses!
I think judges are getting more comfortable with incorporating the Premier challenges into their courses. I thought these courses were good examples in that they definitely had challenges, multiple handling solutions, and sections allowing the dogs to open up.
I was also happy to see the number of competitors in Premier was about double that from the previous trial I attended. I know folks who compete in USDAA and UKI were signed up but also AKC competitors who have instructors who incorporate the challenges in their class work. I’m hopeful that Premier will become even more popular as time goes by. I think the courses are a lot of fun!
Here’s Tim’s course from Saturday:

Here’s Arlyn’s course from Sunday:

I’m also happy to share video of Flyer and me running these courses, we clicked on them both and won both 1st places!
I hope to see you in the ring for Premier at the next AKC trial!
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