AKC-like JWW/Premier Novice through Masters Practice Courses
12 Nov 2022
A little while ago I presented some seminars at Agility Cues For Your in Louisville, KY. I’ve been going there to teach seminars for years and love the facility, the people, and the wonderful upbeat attitude I find there.
One of the sessions was for Novice/Intermediate teams who are interested in competing in AKC and CPE and some Masters level teams. So I nested their courses and ran the teams together with two sets of cones: light circles are for novice/advanced/intermediate teams and dark circles are for excellent/masters level teams.
These AKC-like courses let us work on perfecting Front Crosses Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross, Rear Crosses Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross, Blind Crosses on Pin Wheels, Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence, and Back Sides Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video.
The tunnels and weaves stay in the same location with small changes in location/rotation of the other jumps. I generally kept the spacing on the closer side, since, in real life courses, jumps can often be at the minimum AKC spacing. As usual, adjust the spacing to increase/decrease the challenges and always consider your dog’s safety.
These sequences aren’t in any particular order of difficulty. I think I tested most of them out with young Spark to make sure they were do-able with a young dog with basic skills. Ultimately, some were too easy so I didn’t use them or modified them based on how the students ran prior sequences.

I hope you enjoy setting them up and running them!
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