500+ Courses and 80 Drills

05 Feb 2008Steve Schwarz

The AAC Canadian World Team, going to the IFCS World Agility Championship in Belgium in May, has put together 7 PDFs containing over 500 AAC courses and another PDF containing 80 practice drills as a fund raiser for their team.

I contributed my $20 CAD and got my electronic download tonight. After just a quick look it is certainly worth it if you have the space to setup a course for a class, a fun match or for your own training. The drills document has some setups for which the trainers have multiple sequences, for example the Susan Garrett setup has 15 different sequences. The only issue one might have is some of the practice sequences are full course size; but you could remove the unused obstacles to make them fit in a smaller space.

This was a great idea and I wish other teams would consider doing a similar thing; as you can never have too many courses to play with! So go on over to their website and download your own copy of the courses. I wish the Canadian competitors well at the Championships, but I will be rooting for Team USA and especially for the US team members with whom I’ve had the pleasure of training over the years.

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