AgilityNerd & Bad Dog Agility: Happy Handling!

10 Sep 2013Steve Schwarz

I read the Bad Dog Agility blog and know Esteban and Sarah’s handling is influenced by Greg Derrett and, while my handling style has been called eclectic, it is most influenced by Linda Mecklenburg; and I thought it would be fun if we ran the same course and explained our handling choices. I contacted them and they agreed it would be fun - I knew they were good sports!

So then we had to come up with a course. I wanted it to be interesting but also fit in my yard and not require a lot of equipment (in case you want to try it yourself!). A while back I posted a chalk talk video of the 2013 IFCS CCoA Biathon Jumpers course and always wanted to run the course, so I took the opening and looped the sequence around to go through the closing and then added on to create this course:

Here’s my Coach’s Eye video which starts with a discussion of my handling plan and then video of Flyer and me running it on a hot and steamy afternoon:

So now that you’ve seen how and why I ran the course the way I did with Flyer, head over to Bad Dog Agility to see how Esteban and Sarah tackled this course.

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