Chalk Talk: 2013 IFCS CCOA Biathon Jumpers

28 Apr 2013Steve Schwarz

Yesterday USDAA posted the day’s courses for the 2013 IFCS Continental Championship of the Americas being run in Ft. Worth, Texas and I really liked the Biathlon Jumpers course:

CCOA Biathlon Jumpers

IFCS 2013 CCOA Jumpers Course
Obstacle Legend

I didn’t sign up for the live stream and was afraid to; I’d end up spending all weekend inside watching agility online! But I had some ideas for how to handle this interesting course and I wanted to write them up to share with you. I was thinking of using Clean Run Course Designer, like I use for all the courses on this site, but I just couldn’t face all the fiddling around making multiple images and then typing up the handling description. Then I thought I could use CRCD and record a screencast/video.

I had already been looking at writing or buying software to do screencasts and came across Explain Everything. It runs on the iPad and records your voice, and your drawing on the screen. It also supports running videos within the app, which I might use in the future - it could be useful for annotating videos for coaching purposes…

Anyway, I ended up spending an hour or so learning the software and recording what I call a “Chalk Talk”. That is, I use the course map and discuss/diagram the course’s challenges and some of my thoughts on handling it. EE captured it all and after about 10 minutes of crunching it produced and uploaded the video to YouTube. So here’s my first agility chalk talk, I hope you enjoy it:

Since I’d done the analysis without seeing any dogs running the course I’m interested in seeing how the course was actually set up and how other handlers tackled the course. So I searched YouTube and, so far, there are only a couple videos of the course posted. I’ll add a few more as other’s post them.

Here is natkirkwood with Dandy: scroll to 1:36:

Let me know if this Chalk Talk was useful and any suggestions for improving future Chalk Talks. I want to hear from you!

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