My Half Biathlon Challenge
01 May 2013
My class course this week was inspired by the opening of 2013 IFCS CCOA Biathon Jumpers course I chalk talked earlier this week and I added some interesting weave entrance/exit exercises.
Here are some handling challenges/suggestions:
- Dog on left 1-3
- Either push to back of 3 and invite dog to jump in toward handler and keep dog on left to 4 (you can do it - get/keep dog in handler focus) or FrontCross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross over the jump to get dog on right to 4. Drive to tunnel entrance.
- Dog on right 5-6.
- I liked taking dog to take off side of 6 and Ketschker to turn dog right over 6 and putting dog on handler's left. Could also "Curly Q", turning dog 360 to their left, around the jump upright, although the weave approach is more challenging. There are at least three other options...
- [Push on end of weave poles to 8 (dog on left).
- Front cross jump wrap Jump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap/Wrap 9.
- Dog on right 10-13.
- I liked Front Cross between 13-14 and again over jump 15 (to put dog on right to 16).
- Front Cross or Rear Cross 17-18 on flat.
- Cue turn 18-19 with deceleration - and wrap to inside (just like 8-9) to the table.
This one was fun to run and we played around with a bunch of different handling approaches 3-4 and 5-7. I hope you’ll give it a whirl!
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