Lisa Jarvis - Jumpers and Snooker Courses - With Video

03 May 2010Steve Schwarz

At the RACE Agility USDAA trial early last month, the judge was Lisa Jarvis from Texas and she had really challenging Jumpers and fun Snooker courses that you should try. A big thanks to Lisa for letting me reproduce them here.

I liked the Jumpers courses so much I set one up in my backyard and shot some video running it again trying several handling approaches. I’ve diagrammed our team’s handling for the DAM Team Snooker course and the most successful handling for the Masters Snooker course. I also blogged about our experiences at this trial if you are interested.

We Q’d this one, I believe I handled it mostly with Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap.

Masters Jumpers Apr-03

Obstacle Legend

I earned a refusal on this one, I think it was jump 7. I handled this with a combination of Single Sided Serpentines and Front Cross jump wraps. The video below shows us playing around with this sequence in my backyard.

Masters Jumpers Apr-04

Two Handling Approaches

Here is the Team Snooker course. This was an interesting course because of the requirements of the closing (take a numbered obstacle then a tunnel then the next numbered obstacle). So in our team’s opinion you wanted to go for 4 reds to try to get as many points in a given time since we thought it would be hard to get to the end of the closing to get the points there.

Team Snooker Apr-02

Here’s the opening our teammate Diana devised:

Team Snooker Apr-02 Opening Strategy

Here was my closing strategy. We made it to the approach to weave 6 where I let Meeker go behind me when I accidentally Blind Crossed the tunnel instead of Scooping him as he exited the tunnel. We probably had enough time to have at least made it to 7; might not have gotten the final tunnel (don’t forget to take the final tunnel! - one handler had a beautiful run making it all the way through and then forgot about the final tunnel to get the last 7 points).

Team Snooker Apr-02 Closing Strategy

This is the weekend’s Masters Snooker course. I had managed 7-7-7 in the opening and was on the way to the weaves when I lost sight of the approach to the weaves and set his line very poorly coming over 5 so when realized I pushed on him he entered 2nd pole. After the pressure of getting a tricky opening it was easy for me to loose focus in the “easy” closing sequence.

Masters Snooker Apr-04

My opening wasn’t as smart as the one I’ve diagrammed below. I missed the smart idea of turning the dog from 7b right in to 2; but ending the opening with any of the 7 combination left you in a good spot to start the closing.

Masters Snooker Mar-14 Opening Strategy

I enjoyed these courses and strongly recommend you set them up and give them a try! Thanks again to Lisa for letting me share them with you.

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