Back Side Jump Wrap Exercise - Flyer Video!
19 Feb 2012
I’ve created an exercise from my class course at For Your K9 for working on Pushing to the Back Side Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video of a jump and Wrapping Jump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap/Wrap the dog around the wing jump:
I gave my students the challenge to only turn their dog to the right over jump 2/7/11 and each time to use a different handling method. Here are some ways you can handle it:
- Dog on right, Front Cross on the take off side of the wing jump and Shoulder Pull Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn the dog.
- Dog on right to the take off side of the wing jump and Ketschker to get dog on handler's left after the jump.
- Dog on right, handler approaches edge of wing jump and does a Rear Cross Jump Wrap Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross where the handler steps to the take off side of the jump as the dog commits to the jump.
- Push to the Back Side of the wing jump and Scoop the dog (dog stays on handler's right).
- Push to the Back Side of the wing jump and Blind Cross while the dog commits to the jump (the dog lands on handler's left).
- Push to the Back Side of the wing jump and Front Cross while the dog commits to the jump (the dog lands on handler's left).
I’ve updated this article with a short video of Flyer and me trying three of the handling methods. He’s only 7 months old so we don’t quite have the handling skills to execute them all…
Hope you try it and have fun!
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