Threadle Sequence

20 Apr 2005Steve Schwarz

Threadle describes the dog’s path through two or more obstacles when the dog performs obstacles in the sequence in the same direction. The dog is pulled through (between) adjacent obstacles in order to take the next obstacle in the same direction as the previous obstacle. The entrance and exit paths may or may not wrap the respective jumps.

The obstacles are often jumps and are also often arranged in an almost straight line. Although the spacing, rotation, and arrangement of the obstacles can vary significantly. The key feature is the dog’s taking the sequence of obstacles in the same direction. As best I can tell the name of the sequence refers to the way the dog’s path looks as though it is “sewn” or “threaded” through the plane of the obstacles.

Two Jump and Three Jump Threadles

Threadle Sequence

I originally wanted to call a two jump Threadle a Pull Through but a Pull Through is just drawing a dog between two obstacles, where a Threadle adds the sends over the jumps too. So while the engineer in me would like the Threadle definition to be more “symmetric” with that of a Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence; that is, require three jumps, I’ll just have to find other symmetries in course design and handling.

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Contrast the Threadle with the Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence.

Here are articles on Threadle handling Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle HandlingTraditional Threadle HandlingSingle Sided Threadle Handling.

Click this link to search the whole site for “Threadle”.

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