Website Changes

01 Nov 2005Steve Schwarz

I’ve gotten behind in writing for the site lately and I have such a long list of entries that I need a place to write them down. So I’ve added a new page and a link on the right hand menu called To Do in which I’ll put a line or two to remind myself of an article I want to finish or write. Feel free to drop me an email if one of the articles would interest you and I’ll try to move it closer to the top of the list.

Since messing around with the site is sometimes more fun than more “serious” writing I decided to follow the advice in Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox article about good practices for writing a blog and add a

Favorites page to the right hand menu also. I'll put links to the articles that are most frequently queried for from search engine results and most frequently linked from outside sites on that page.

So I hope with these changes it will make it even easier to know what articles are coming up and what articles others find to be most interesting on my site.

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