Thank You All

27 Jul 2006Steve Schwarz

Nancy, Mom, and I would like to thank everyone who wrote, emailed, called,

blogged,commented, hugged, and visited. The outpouring of support and kindness has been almost overwhelming. Nancy's house is so full of beautiful flowers and plants it could be a florist's shop.

But most importantly it has been comforting to hear how Mr. P touched so many people.

I was surprised to hear from other folks that watching Mr. P and my fledgling attempts at agility gave them the desire to be like us. I guess after those first few years of learning we did start to look like a team out on the course. It is nice to know that we made a little positive impact or at least brought a smile to someone’s face (like me running into a post at an agility trial and as I was falling over Mr. P took the last obstacles by himself, saved the Q and then came back to me to see what I was doing on the floor).

Lastly, for all of you who emailed me privately and haven’t received a reply please accept my apologies. A couple days after Mr. P’s death my laptop suffered a hard drive crash and/or a motherboard failure and I lost most of my email along with some articles and courses for the website. With luck next week I’ll get my new laptop and get back on the agility website “horse” and get some articles posted.

So we are moving along; having two other Border Collies keeps you from sitting around feeling miserable all the time (well at least keeps you exhausted). We feel his absence in so many big and little ways every day. At some point I’ll take Marj’s advice and write up some of the things that made him so special to us; I’m afraid I’m just not enough of a writer to convey what it was about him that captured our hearts. But it’ll be good to try.

Thank you all again.

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