Petey Turns One

01 Mar 2008Steve Schwarz

The youngest member of the family turned one year old last week. I was scolded by his Mom for not posting anything. I used the excuse that we hadn’t taken any pictures in a while. So we hastily dressed him in his best tie and after much dog wrangling got a couple reasonable photos of him in the kitchen.

Petey At One

Petey dressed up at one year old
Petey dressed up at one year old

The first photo is a little out of focus but you can get a sense of the mischievous gleam this little guy always has in his eyes. The second shot is more of his curious look. I’ve been contemplating getting a decent digital SLR camera, it would have made this a simpler exercise with much better results.

Nancy pointed out that in the dozens of blurred photos where Petey is diving at the camera his tie is twisted off to the side like a guy out on the town on a bender. In some ways they actually show him like he really is: a little brash, confident and sure that he is the life of the party. That said, he is a lover, concerned for his people and quick to comfort if he thinks he has accidentally done wrong.

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