Dearlove Nested Class Course - Aug 08 & Aug 15 2005

07 Aug 2005Steve Schwarz

This course works Beginners on Rear Crosses Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross into the tunnel, a four jump PinWheel and introduces Front Crosses Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross out of the tunnel and statically at the table. Intermediate teams work two 270s Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence, a PinWheel and an interesting off course tunnel approach. The Advanced groups work on the same opening as the Intermediate group with Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence/270 added for good measure.

The three jump PinWheel to the tunnel for the Intermediate/Advanced sequences is adapted from a John Senger course I ran last weekend.

Course Setup

Beginner Class

Beginner Course Sequence

A pretty straight forward exercise that can be split up at the table depending on the student’s experience. It should also be run backwards to allow the handler’s to work the Rear Cross, Front Cross and PinWheel from both sides.

If this is the student’s first time using a Front Cross work it on the flat without the dog. Then add the dog with the dog stationary (as you would do at the table). Then add the dog coming out of the tunnel - make sure the student’s timing is such that they start their rotation as they see the dog’s head in the exit of the tunnel. This will help the dog get used to the handler’s Front Cross body language.

In the PinWheel handlers shouldn’t turn through the jumps faster than the dog is moving or the dog will cut behind the handler. Handlers may need to step into each 90 degree turn to help the dogs; for the handler this sequence should be handled more like four 90 degree turns than running in a circle.

Jump 12 could be handled with another Rear Cross on the take off side or by the speedy handler running straight for the jump.

Intermediate Class

Intermediate Course Sequence

May need to tweak tunnel to jump 5 distance and orientation - want the wrong side of the tunnel to be a strong off course possibility. May also need to adjust jump 2 in relation to jump 3 so teams can execute the 270 and handle jumps 4 and 5 successfully.

Have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

Advanced Class

Advanced Course Sequence

The opening sequence is the same as for the Intermediate teams. May need to tweak tunnel to jump 5 distance and orientation - want the wrong side of the tunnel to be a strong off course possibility. May also need to adjust jump 2 in relation to jump 3 so teams can execute the 270 and handle jumps 4 and 5 successfully. Finally, may need to look at distance from jump 7 to off course at jump 4/11 to make this course possible without micro management (i.e. move jump 4/11 more to the left).

Have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

This course should be a good challenge. Let me know how you did!

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