Dearlove Nested Class Course - Oct 17 & Oct 24 2005

16 Oct 2005Steve Schwarz

This course works Beginners on running with their dogs on both sides, over a short “course”; with opportunities for two crosses. Intermediate teams work a winding course with sharp jump approaches, a 180 and a Pin Wheel. Advanced teams get two sequences with a Pin Wheel into a Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence in the opening, followed by back-to-back 180s and ending with a non-traditional Serpentine.

Course Setup

Beginner Class

Beginner Course Sequence 1

There are two crossing opportunities:

  1. From 3-4 - I'm thinking Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross just before the dog enters the tunnel .
  2. With the handler leaving the table with the dog on their left, they can Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn to turn the dog over jump 6 and then Rear Cross on the landing side of jump 6. Or a Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Crosson the take off of jump 6 could work depending on the actual jump layout.

Intermediate Class

Intermediate Course Sequence

The usual drill: have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

  • Any benefit to a Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivot and where should you be positioned? Can you lead out to after jump 3? Does it really help you?
  • Where are you going to be when the dog comes out of the tunnel? Which side of the dog? Dog on the handler's right and then Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross over jump 7 might be the most successful.
  • As for the Beginner's sequence, With the handler leaving the table with the dog on their left, they can Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn to turn the dog over jump 6 and then Rear Cross on the landing side of jump 6. Or a Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross on the take off of jump 6 could work depending on the actual jump layout.

Advanced Class

Advanced Course SequenceAdvanced Course Sequence

Many of the same options from the Intermediate sequence also apply to this sequence. Discuss the following handling options for the left sequence:

  • Any benefit to a Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivot and where should you be positioned. Need to balance the handler location from 3-4 to assist the handling of the Serpentine to the tunnel.
  • Where do you want to be coming out of the tunnel? Post Turning Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn through the 7-8-9 should work.
  • Rear Crossing jump 9 (take-off or landing) or Front Crossing (take-off or landing) to the table?
  • Dog on the right or left off the table? I'm thinking on the right and then Post Turn 11-12.
  • Front or Rear Cross on the take off of 13 should do the trick to setting the line toward the final jump.

The right hand sequence opening is pretty straightforward. Just a couple notes:

  • Need to be careful of the tunnel off course at jump 4.
  • Can stay in position on the take off of jump 4 until the dog comes out of the tunnel?
  • Front Cross take of of 7, step in toward jump 8 and Front Cross on the landing of jump 8 while the dog is on the take of jump 8?
  • Then it is just run for the finish line!

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